Hello Grade Fives!
I would like you to tell me what you know about the sturgeon. You must write your response using complete paragraphs/sentences. (Please reread your work and check your spelling and punctuation.)
Although I am marking this blog, I am especially looking forward to reading about how much you already know about the sturgeon.
Assessment: writing form (clarity, organization)
Love, Mrs. French
They are big and they is not very meny of them left.
i know they can get up to 11 poeple long.
i also know there are not many left.
this is fascinating to me it is that the mothers can have there babys and then they might suck up there babys and not even know it.
This is what i already know about the sturgeon is they can live for a long time.
And they can grow really long.
they are very big
they can get 13 feet long
there are not much left
Well I already have reliesed a sturgeon. Still, I don't know much about sturgeon cause its just not somting that I am extremly into. This is what I know.....
They use there wiskers to skan the bottom of the river to find the food they are looking for. They live for a very long time and can grow very massive. I also know that your not supposed to kill sturgeon because so many were killed before.
They get very big and old.They can be rare.
The sturgeon when they are boren they know rate away were to go. The sturgeon can get decades old and they can weigh thousands of pouns
What I know about the Sturgeon...
The sturgeon can live for a VERY long time,
They are also dinosouars from the past,the can be out of the water for a long time,and can grow humongously!
I have actually released a sturgeon a few times, and i liked it
I already know that they eat other fish and plants. They can grow up to be twenty meters long. They are also bottom feeders and will eat their own young.
The thing i know about sturgeonis
they start in an eggs then a fry
then they keep on growing and growing when they are old ther'y
almost tall as a adult.
You are not aloud to cech Sturgeon and keep them.The populaion of Sturgeon is not very good.
Sturgeon can live hundreds of years. sturgeons lay eggs then die.
sturgeon have lived on earth longer than the dinosaurs they can grow up to 16 meters or more or less can weigh up to 1 500lbs they have sharp triangular scale like things they have six fins(including the tail) they can live well past a hundred years. people are not allowed to keep sturgeon in almost every place where they live on this contenent. they in every d.the sturgeon are caught and tagged to track the sturgeon to find the birth place so that they can gather the eggs so that they can put them in hatcherys so they have a better chance of survival. thenwhen they are older they release them into the rivers then they continue their life cycle.
Sturgeon can live for a very long time. They olso get very big like about 12 13 14 meters long and a foot and a half wide. They have been on this earth before the dinosaurs.Its got six fins. Its got sharp triangular things on its side.They can live well past 100 years old.If you catch a sturgeon you have to relese it. They live any where in canada.Sturgeon are cought and tagged so people can track them and identifie and find were they spown and get their eggs so schools can release baby sturgeon. Then they count them to see what the populastiomn of sturgeon there are.
Sturgon live in the nackako river and other places.they also can get seven to nine feet long.
I know that sturgeon are an endagered spieces and that they are in the Nechako river. They have a mouth that can thrust out and can eat thing on the bottem of there location (sometimes they get there baby sturgeon as well).
The grown sturgeon don't have very many enemy but the little ones have to be more carful. They have to watch out for seaguls, bigger fish, bigger sturgeon and other birds, the bigger ones only have to look out for net and other man made objects
1)They suck up the food at the bottom of the river.
2)sturgeon can live for a long time their lips just have to be damp.
.The sturgeon can get up to 342killograms.
The can live for over 150 years.
they are endangerd. They can live for hundreds of years. they can get really big.They can live out of water as long as there mouth is a little bit wet
I think sturgeon's mouths are creepy. A sturgeon can get longer then a human is tall.They are filter feeders.
they are bottom eaters.there are lotes of difrint cindes of stergin.
they can live on land only if they have water on there lips.they can live for over 150 years.they are also going extinct.sturgeons are bottom feeders.there are also a greeter extinction in a different sub speiceis called the green sturgeon there are only a few hundred left.sturgeon mouths come out and sucks up all the stuff on the bottom like a vacume cleaner and somtimes they suck up there own eggs. BY
racoon3 cocunut
there are so big and theres not many of them left.Today many kids can help the sturgeon . say
if you where on a boat in the river.and you threw out a bag of chips dont do that.ONLY YOU CAN SAVE THE STUREGEON.
hi mrs.French
i got back from hunting so i will be doing my homwork for a while! This is what i know about sturgeon,i know that sturgeon are bor as eggs, and then they are called fris.
if the sturgeon was a female then they would go up a spacific river and lay there eggs, then they would go back to there home.they would do that same thing for about five times.
they where one of the only thing out of dinosour years that suvived thru the world. most of them will live up to 160 years of age.
and that is what i know.
bye for now!!
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