Well, our first term is well behind us and you have all been working hard on developing good learning behaviours: listening carefully to lessons and instructions, completing work carefully and completely, checking your work over for errors, preparing for quizzes, and asking for help as needed.
As we move deeper into term two, I would like you to share which learning behaviour(s) you are going to work on particularly hard. In today’s response, and in a correct paragraph form, please tell me which behaviours you have chosen.
As always, I look forward to reading your responses. I will make every effort to help you practice these learning behaviours.
Love, Mrs. French
I have some goals for this term. One of them is to listen to the lesson better. Another is to hand in my work sooner than I usually do. The third is to try t talk less during class time. Those are some of my goals for this term.
These are learning behaviours I have chosen. I have chosen to lisen harder to the instrutions you give. Make my work neater and smaller and hand it in on time. Make my paragraghs fuller and funner to read. That is what I chose to do.
These are some of the learning behaviours I have chosen. 1 learning behaviour I have chosen is to double check my planner and the blog responses. Another learning behavior is to remember to tilt my handwriting book when we are doing it. 1 more learning behavior is that I will try to make the letters on my handwriting the way they are supposed to be like a big letter has to be a full space high. Last one is to listen carfully to the lessons and instructions. Those are some learning behaviors I have chosen for the rest of the year.
im going to try to hand my work done and on time.because I might have to stay in and do it.I might get in trouble if I dont get it done in time. if I do hand in my work in time i might get good grades.im going to try to hand my work done and on time.
The learning behaviours I want do more things on the baord and to be neater in writting. Then to study more for quizes.Then I want read more when people talk to me. Then I don't want to talk to people in class. I want to learn more in class.
My learning behaviours are. My first learning behaviour is get my work in to mrs.french in time.My second learning behaviour is pay attention in class.My third learning behaviour is to study my spelling words.those are my laerning behaviours.
My learning behaviours are. My first learning behaviour is pay more attention in class. My second learning behaviour is to improve my skills for novel study.My third learning behaviour is to study my spelling words more. Those are my learning behaviours for the second term.
The following are the learning behaviours I want to work on. I will try and check my work more carefully. I will try not to talk so much in class so I get more out of the instructions for my work. I want to get better in math. These are the learning behaviours I want to work on.
I have chosen not to fall behined.
To hand in my glossary on time.
To not talk in class when the teacher is talking.Also to work on my stuggels. and to not go to the office.
Im going to try to do all my homework.Im going to do all my
work.I will finish all my work in
time.I wont talk in class.I wont get sent to the office.
The learning behaviours I've chosen are the following. I will try to print neater on my day-to-day work. I will try to talk less during any time in the day. Finally i will try to work harder on my reading since i have always forgotten to track on my tracking sheet. those are the learning behaviour's i chose.
Here are three learning behaviours that I have chosen to do. I will try to improve my speed when it comes to class work. I will also try to be quieter in class. I will try to stop calling out. tese are three behaviours i will work on.
My learning behavier is to start lisening in class.My other learning behavieris to start handing in my school work on time.
Also to not distub students when they are working.
Three learning behaviors I would like to work on. One learning behavior I would like to work on is handing my work on time, Another learning behavior I would like to work on is not spend time talking or doing other stuff well im doing my work :) One other thing I can work on is I will try and make sure my work is neat and easy to read. One last thing (im adding another learning behavior) I will make sure my work is at school when it is supposed to be.
Hello mrs French
I think the learning behaviours that I would pick would have to be using my time wisely.Consitraiting on me work.I will make sure work is wanded in with easy to read and neet writing. To make my writingg neet and easy to read I can slow down on my writing
love Dezirae
Theese are some behaviours that I chose is I will listin to the teacher closely.The second that I chose is I will hand in my work on time.The third that I chose is I will give respect to others and get respect.
These are the laerning behaviours that I choose.I'm going to work on checking over what I have done.The second one is when Mrs.French says something do it quickly and quietly.The last thing is trying to behave better.These are my learning behaviours.
Theese are some of my learning behaviors I need to woke on. I need my stuff handid in on time. I need to listen rilly hard to my lessons.
The learning behaviours i have been practicing is. Listening,bring in my work on time.And lts of thinking,do not be distracted be nice to people.And fix more erasable moments,and be good
The learning behaviors i've chosen are the folloowing.I will work harder and faster.I will print very neat.I will sharpen my pencil in the morning.I will handin stuf on time.I will check for errors.I will lissen to you.I will finish work wene i have time.I will work harder.i will prepar for qiuzzes, tests and spelling.I will bring homework back to school.I will ignore people wene they talk to me.I will not lie.Those are the learning behaviors i will work on.:)
bye your student:
Afternoon Mrs.French
I will try harder to work on science, I will try the following learning behaiors... (for science)
-hand all projects in on time/early
-check errors before handing in projects
-improve on glossary
I will try to work on science and improve my learning behaviors.
I am going to work on many learning behaviours for this term.
I am going to work on less talking when Mrs French is giving a lesson. I will also check my work more before I hand it in. I will listen more carefully so Mrs French doesn't have to explain it again to me. I will fixs more of my eraseble moments. These are some of the learning behaviours I will work omn this term
I have three learning behavours I would like to work on this term.One of my behavour is to hand in my work on time.The second behavour is when I'm on computers I spend my time more wisley and get more things done.And the third one is to ask more coushtoins when needed and when I dont under stand.
so those are the three behavours I would like to work on.
These are some of the learning behaviours I will practice this term. #1 I will try to listen to instructions better. Sometimes I find myself drifting off and not paying attention. I will try to improve that this term. #2 Sometimes I find that my printing is not the nicest in the world (eraseble moment, mispelled word and not very neat writing.) This is one of the learning behaviour I am going to work on this term. #3 My third learning behaviour for this term is trying to include people in my games and things I do. Sometimes I see people being left out so I'm am going to try and go out of my way to include them. These are some of the learning behaviours I'm doing this term.
Here are some of my learning behaviours.I will try to work more independent.I will try to have my work handed in on time. I will keep my desk clean. Try to get higher grades on my report card.These are some of my learning behaviours
These are some of my learning behaviours for the second term. one learning behaviour I will try to do is to hand in my work on time. Another thing I will try to do is to pay attention in class more. I also want to try to listen to the lesson better so I understand it. One last thing I would want to do is if I don't understand something, I would like to ask questions. Those were some of the learning behaviours I would like to do this second term.
I will learning behaviuors. One learning behaviour is checking my work over for errors. My secon is learning behaviuor is preparing for quizzes. My third learning be behvaiour is ask for help as needed. I will learning behvaiours.
I thought of a few learning behaviours to touch up on for this term. The first is to be a fast (and hard) working student. The second is to listen to every lesson, because even if I know what they're talking about I may learn something new! The third is to co-operate with more kinds of students and understand their new idaes. Those are the learning behaviours that I thought of. Wait! Don't stop looking now!! Look how many words I'm writing!! Can you see how filled up this is? LOOK at THIS word: supercallafragalistickexpeealladdoscious even though the sound of it is something quite attrossious deee dee dee dee dee deedeedee... Okay maybe I don't know how to spell everything there, but look at what I can spell like ",but look at what I can spell like"!
These are some of the learning behaviours im going to work on.
I am going to hand my work in on time.I am going to listen more often so i dont have to ask questions.I am going to do my best in class so i can get all my work finished.These are some learning behaviours im going to work on.
i am going to try to work on handing my work in on time. listening and doing a better job in my spelling. not fiddling with the stuff in my desk. not fooling arond. i ill try to work on these activities
afternoon Mrs.French
In this next term I will try to work harder on my sciencethese are some of my learning behavoirs I will work on, handing projects in on time, check on errors before handing in and spend more time and not rushing on any esignment.
This term i will try to develop a better behavior.i work alot harder.iTry not to be distracted.I will chek my work for errors and be prepaired for quizzes.i will Ask for help when needed.
a good sinkutview citizen helps our school community in many ways. A good citizen at sinkutview is if there is a piece of garbeg on the ground you pick it up.You don't pilot ever.We pick up after ourselves and each other. That is what a good citizen at sinkutview is.also treat prople the way you want to be traeted.
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