Monday, April 19, 2010

Riverdeep: A Reflection

Hello Grade Fives!

You have been exploring a new program, Destination Success (Riverdeep), for two weeks. Today, I would like your opinion of the program, supported with both reasons + examples. In a paragraph, please share what you like (+ examples), what you dislike (+ examples), and how effective you think it is as a learning/practice tool.

Thank you for your thoughts.

2) As you know, Matthew is travelling with his family. Please visit and read their blog, Ebert’s Blog.

Love, Mrs. French


snail4cherry said...

In this paragraph im going to tell you about the site Riverdeep. I like it alot because I learned alot. Here are some activities I did on Riverdeep. Multiplying decimals,finding coordinates in a plane,displaying and analyzing and looking at chances.

whale5apple said...

In this paragraph I am going to tell you about the new website Riverdeep. One reason I liked it was I learned a bit on coordinate plane and on ordering and rounding decimals. One thing I didn't like about Riverdeep was the tutorial, I thought they were a little bit long but I get why they're long because they are teaching you how to do it. One reason I think it is a good learning experience was if you were paying attention you would get how much it tought you. In this paragraph I told you my input on Riverdeep.

ant2peach said...

In this blog i'm going to tell you what I like and dis like about riverdeep. The thing I don't like about riverdeep is that the tutorial it's way to long it should be shorter. The thing I liked about it that the 123 was really short and you learn a lot when he's talking. When you are the guy is talking you even get to do stuff. In this blog i'm going to tell you what I like and dis like about riverdeep.

shark3orange said...

This paragraph will tell about what I liked about Riverdeep and what I disliked. I liked coordinate plane because it taught me more than I already knew. I disliked how long the tutorials are they could be shorter. I liked looking at Chance because it showed you how chance works. This paragraph showed you what I thought about Riverdeep.

deer2kiwi said...

Mrs. French
I didn't really like riverdeep. It did go from I hate to I didn't really like because after a while I figured out what I was supposed to do. Another reason is because the questions are eiether way to easy or way to hard, like it would be from counting by twos to something that sounded like it was from a different planet. The last one was because the tutors are way to long, they make everthing sound confusing, and that persons voice is really annoying. ( I meen, listening to that person say "what's up dij" gets really frusterating and makes it alot harder.) I would suggest a different website. I didn't really like riverdeep.

bear7lime said...

I really like riverdeep but they teach us as if we were baby's.example, 56...the number before 57.second their voice is really annoying e.g. Ok dig time to get out the ol' number line... and, hey diget heres a DIGET to look at. But eventually you get the point. Also diget is quite strange with his 3-D holographic laser glasses that seem to teleport things out of nowhere. So those are the complaints that i have against Digit.

horse7lemon said...

I did not really like riverdeep. I don't learn by hearing,I learn more by doing. His voice is weird.I wonder why dig wears purple? I did not really like riverdeep.

dolphin1pear said...

Riverdeep is an OK site. I don't really like because the tutorials are long. I can't really learn by hearing things, I learn by doing and Riverdeep doesn't let me do things. I also don't like Riverdeep because it moves too quickly from one lesson too another in the tutorials. Also the questions are really easy.Riverdeep is an OK site.

badger6cherry said...


I thout this program was confusing in some spots of the program. Diget the alain was confusing because he talked fast on all the progams. What I liked about this program was some of the qiestions. Sertainly the program is a great learning program. This program was confusing to me.


kangaroo9blueberry said...

I don't really like Riverdeep. It helps me learn but it also goes from one easy lesson to another very hard lesson very quickly. I also didn't like it because the voices drone on without any enthusiasm. I thought dijit was just weird and annoying especially whenhe zapps stuff with his glasses. Riverdeep isn't very fun for me.

ox9cherry said...

I did not like Riverdeep.First, it was very confusing. Second, the tutorials were very long and sometimes I did not get finished.Third,if you did not get finished you had to start over.I did not like Riverdeep.

squid1plum said...

hello Mrs. French

I don’t really like Riverdeep. The first thing I did NOT like how long the tutorial was. The longest tutorial was the understanding data. I hated riverdeep sooo much at the beginning and then when I got closer to the end I didn’t like it which is better than hate. I did'nt like the symmetry and transformation because the pickers mind boggled me. Riverdeep was ether way to easy or way to hard. It started at counting by twos and then went to things like 345 divided by 697 multiply that by 894and they think that we know it right off the top of are head. They're voices got so annoying and evrey time I herd his voices I kept thinking pleas by down now. Like how we always says " what’s up Dij. I dint like Riverdeep.

horse8kiwi said...

My blog response is going to be about riverdeep and what I liked and disliked about it. I liked how easy it was on the first few questions. It got harder on looking at chance. The tutorials were really long. It was fun to learn about math in this fun way. This is what I thought of riverdeep.

racoon3coconut said...

I like riverdeep because it is lots of fun.I like it because there is this little alien dude and his freind digit.That teach you about ordering and rounding and that tipe of stuff.Riverdeep is an awsome place for young kids to start learnig.Riverdeep is an amazing place for young kids to practice math stratigies

cat7raisin said...

I will tell you what I think about riverdeep. Sometimes I like riverdeep and sometimes I don't. The thig I like about riverdeep is yu get to be on a computer.The thing I don't like is that you half to listen so long and you sometimes have to start over and you have to sit in a stuffy room.

cat5lemon said...

to mrs.french

I think riverdeep is a very good website.My favorite part of riverdeep is cordinit plane.It is the only one i have finneshed.that was the part i liked.The part that is anoying is Didjet the alien.

shark4riasin said...

I have learend that when you cut or reflect somthing that each side is the same.For e.g. (|) when you turn one of the bracets over there the same. It's like a mirore image.Anything can reflect.I have learend that when you cut or reflect somthing that each side is the same.

parrot9coconut said...

I like riverdeep because it is a lot's of fun. I like it because it has ordering and rounding.I like riverdeep because there is a little alien dude and his friend didght. I like riverdeep because it help's me with my math facts. I like it because it help's me with all my math facts.

bird5mango said...

I like riverdeep because its fun. I like it because there is a green alian dude and his friend digit. They teach u about ordering and rounding and more math stuff. I alsow like it because it helps me with math games. I like Riverdeep because its fun.

frog2lime said...

I think riverdeep is a good lerning tool. It has alot of helpful things to know. Sometimes the math is confusing. Dijit the allien is anoying too. I think riverdeep is a good lerning tool

lion9fig said...

I think riverdeep is a cool website.It makes it fun to do because it has lots of math and measherment.And the guy that talks has a cool favorite one is symmetry and transformation.I think riverdeep is a cool website.

horse7orange said...


I liked riverdeep it was a fun website to explore.I like the games they have to help you learn math. I liked there lessons. I liked the lesson ordering and rounding decimals. It helped me with things I was stuck on. There wasn't anything I remember that I didn't like so i can't really say anything i didn't like. I liked riverdeep it was a fun wesite

dolphin6banana said...

i learned riverdeep is a good web. i learned alot about division. i rily liked the coordinate plane. i think division is hard. i learned riverdeep is a good web

elephant9strawberry said...

Hi There.

I think "Rivedeep" was a very good resource or a learning program. It taught me about "The Coordinate Plane, Symmetry & Transformations, Ordering & Rounding Decimals, Displaying & Analyzing Data and Looking at Chance”. Digit encourages kids like me to listen and learn about all of the above. Riverdeep has also learning programs not just for me but for K grade and up. Riverdeep is a great program or recourse.

jaguar6peach said...

I like riverdeep because it is teaching me alot. I like river deep because I like math and I have learned alot. At first I did not get it at first but then it came to me. I like riverdeep because it is challenging and I like a good challenge in math. Thats why I like riverdeep