Sunday, May 16, 2010

Literature Circles

Hello Grade Fives,

I am anxious to know how you are feeling about your Literature Circles. Please share some of the struggles and successes you are experiencing when you meet in your groups. Please respond using a paragraph form.

As usual, I look forward to reading your responses.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Answering an Essential Question

Hello Grade Fives!

In preparation for the quiz on Wednesday, you will use your blue note sheet to answer one of our essential questions in a complete, well thought out paragraph. Remember, when you write a paragraph from notes, it is your job to add in all of the little connecting words so that your paragraph makes sense to the reader.

Hint: Your topic sentence will let me know which question you are answering. e.g. The founding peoples of Canada were ……..

1. Who were the founding peoples?

2. Who were the first peoples?

3. What are the correct names for these first peoples?

4. How did the French influence our Canadian culture, and what examples do we see today?

5. How did the British influence our Canadian culture, and what examples do we see today?

I look forward to reading your paragraphs.

Love, Mrs. French