This is the last blog response for grade five. I want to take a moment and just tell you how much I have loved teaching you this year! You are an energetic group of wonderful individuals and it has been a great honour to be your teacher for the year. You have worked hard and had many successes!
Now, as you look forward to summer, I would like you to take a moment to think about grade six. Please write, in a complete paragraph, about one learning behaviour (e.g. work handed in on time, listen carefully to lessons etc) you are going to practice next year. Please try to explain why you think this learning behaviour will help you have a successful grade six year.
As always, I look forward to your thoughtful responses.
Love, Mrs. French
I will tell you about the learning behavior I will chose for grade six. My learning behavior I chose for grade six is writing neater. If I write neater it will be easier for the teacher to read. Also if my writing is neater the teacher will understand it better. This is the learning behavior I chose for grade six.
My learning behaviour is to hand work in on time. I think this learing behaviour will help me with my marks. I also think it will help me be more on task. This learning behaviour will help me be a better student. My learning behaviour is to hand in work on time.
When I go to grade six I will remember the learning goals from this year and those are practicing for math quizzes and spelling tests but the one I am going to work on the most is writing neater in school work. I am going to work on that one the most because on a spelling test I spell the word write but it is to hard to read so I get it wrong. Another reason I think I should write neater in school work is I dont want to write bad in school and then learn how to write neat when I am older. One more reason I want to write neater in school work is because you get marked on it and I don't want to get a bad mark on neatness. When I go to grade six I will study for math quizzes and spelling tests and write neater in school work and I will do goals that I will learn next year.
Last blog
I think I will have a good time in grade six. I think I need to hand in work on time and that I need to wake Up more in grade six. I had a lot of fun in grade five. I cannot wait until summer. I think I will have a good time in grade six.
When I move into grade six the learning behavior I am going to work on is listening harder. I want to get it the first time so the teacher doesn’t have to explain it again to me. I also don’t want to ask what to do right after she just explained it.
Then if I listen I wont have to do corrections because I’ll do it right the first time. The learning behavior I am going to work on is listening. Oh thanks Mrs. French for teaching me in grade five and helping me when I get stuck.
Love James
My goal is to hand in my work on time. I will listen to the lesson so I know what to do.
I will try not to talk so much so I can get my work done. Also I will make sure that I have the Right school supplies. My goal is to hand in my work on time.
When I enter grade six I will listen better to instructions and hand my work in on time. I need to work on this skill so I don't have to ask for instruction later. Second, I will hand work in on time next year. I need to work on this skill so I don't have to stay in at lunch and recess. When I enter grade six I will listen better to instructions and my work on time.
behaviour in class
When I enter grade six I plan to start to listen and pay more attention. I will also start to hand in my work on time. Take responsibility for my own actions. I will also listen to the people around me. When I enter grade six I plan to start to listen and pay more attention.
When I get to grade six my learning behaviors for grade six is to hand work on time and listen carefully to lessons. I will start to listen more. I will be nicer to people and kids. I will work hand on work and listen to instructions. My leaning behaviors are for grade six is hand work on time and listen carefully to lessons.
Next year when I move into grade six I plan to pay attention and listen more during instruction time. I also will try not to talk as much with my class mates during instructions. I will work hard and try to hand all my work in on time. If I am able to work and develop these skills I think I will be able to become more successful. These are some of the skills I plan to develop next year.
In grade six I will try to print neater in my school work. I think this will help me because I often lose marks due to neatness. I will due this by not rushing through work. Sometimes when I print slower it comes out neater. In grade six I will try to be neater in my work.
When I am in grade six I am going to try not to be sent to the front of the room with my desk like I did in grade 5. I am going to do my best in every subject. I am going to listen to every instructions. I am going to be nice to everyone in the class. When im in grade six im going to do my best and never get in trouble.
Learning behavior I want to work on is studying for math quizzes.
I will study when I have a chance in school. And I will always study at home
My parents help me. And I will try to get better marks in the math quiz.
That is a learning behavior I want to work on.
I will listen more carefully next to year’s instructions. I haven’t been listening very well. I will make notes from what I have heard. I will open my ears in school. I will listen more carefully next to year’s instructions.
Learning behavior
In grade six I hope to work toward a all a honor roll all terms and get all my work handed in on time. I will try very hard to work toward my goals. I am going to work on all my studies. I will prepare in class and use my time wisely. In grade six I hope to accomplish being on the a honor roll and get all my work handed in on time.
by:megan baher
i have in joyed being one of your stuidents and thank you
from megan
p.s thanks
In grade six i will pay more atenchion to what the teacher is saying to every one. I will hand my work in on time or before. I will do home work and hand it in on time. Ill sit by someone I will not talk to in class. In grade six I will try my hardest to be an a student.
Learning behavior
This is one of the learning behaviors that I am going to work on next year
When I am in grade six I am going to work on (handing work on time) or
(Doing something with out being asked to do it) or (writing neatly in work).
And this is a very important one to do listen to the teacher when she or he talks. There is another important behavior don’t talk when the teacher is talking. Love Chrissie
Dear Mrs. French,
Thank you for teaching me! I’ve had a blast! Sometimes...
Anyway, here’s my paragraph:
In grade six I will work on not procrastinate about my work. I think (it’s pretty obvious why. But anyway,) its important because then I will hand my work in on time. I will also prevent lots of stress and tears. I think, if I can manage that, my work and school experience will improve dramatically. That’s why I will stop procrastinating (In grade six...). Just kidding! :)
My learning behaviour for grade six is to get work completed on time. This might help me because I will not have to worry about my work while in a lesson, so I can work better on other subjects. Another way it can help me is once I finish, I can do another one to get more credit and raise my marks. One more way for it to help is once I finish, I can help other people do their project, and make me more social. I can get my work finished on time to make me more successful in grade six.
One of the main goals I need to achieve is to listen to the teacher and not to get into a deep day dream about pink and purple ponies and lollypops. I need to stay on track and stay focused on my work and not pink ponies and lollypops. I think that it affects my daily work that I produce. One of the main goals I need to achieve is listening to the teacher.
The learning behavior I will work on is trying not to talk. I will not call out. I will listen more carefully to instructions. My talking will not be distractive to others working. The learning behavior that I will be working on is not to talk.
The learning behaviors I want to work on in grade 6 are listening to what the teacher says, making sure I understand the assignment and making sure my work is handed in on time. My first learning behavior I will work on in grade 6 is listining to what the teacher says because sometime in grade 5 I have been finding myself having to ask some on what to do, and next year, that could lower my mark. My second learning behavior is making sure I understand the assingnment because once this year I didn't uderstand and that made me go behind on my work. Luckily I got it in and a good mark back but next year I might not be so lucky. My third learning behavior is making sure my work is in on time so I don't end up scrambling to get work done. These are my learning behaviors for next year.
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