Monday, June 21, 2010

Learning Behaviours for Grade Six

Hello Grade Fives!

This is the last blog response for grade five. I want to take a moment and just tell you how much I have loved teaching you this year! You are an energetic group of wonderful individuals and it has been a great honour to be your teacher for the year. You have worked hard and had many successes!

Now, as you look forward to summer, I would like you to take a moment to think about grade six. Please write, in a complete paragraph, about one learning behaviour (e.g. work handed in on time, listen carefully to lessons etc) you are going to practice next year. Please try to explain why you think this learning behaviour will help you have a successful grade six year.

As always, I look forward to your thoughtful responses.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Literature Circles

Hello Grade Fives,

I am anxious to know how you are feeling about your Literature Circles. Please share some of the struggles and successes you are experiencing when you meet in your groups. Please respond using a paragraph form.

As usual, I look forward to reading your responses.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Answering an Essential Question

Hello Grade Fives!

In preparation for the quiz on Wednesday, you will use your blue note sheet to answer one of our essential questions in a complete, well thought out paragraph. Remember, when you write a paragraph from notes, it is your job to add in all of the little connecting words so that your paragraph makes sense to the reader.

Hint: Your topic sentence will let me know which question you are answering. e.g. The founding peoples of Canada were ……..

1. Who were the founding peoples?

2. Who were the first peoples?

3. What are the correct names for these first peoples?

4. How did the French influence our Canadian culture, and what examples do we see today?

5. How did the British influence our Canadian culture, and what examples do we see today?

I look forward to reading your paragraphs.

Love, Mrs. French

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Aboriginal Peoples

Hello Grade Fives!

We have been discussing Canada’s Founding Peoples. Most recently, we have been discussing the First or Aboriginal Peoples (the First Nations, Inuit and Métis). Today, you will begin a short research project where you will look at four questions:

  1. In what part of Canada do they live?
  2. How did they find food in the past?
  3. How did they make clothing in the past?
  4. What other facts do I know?

You will present this information, in note form, in a chart like the one below.

First Nations



In what part of Canada do they live?




How did they find food in the past?




How did they make clothing in the past?




What other facts do you know?




You will find a copy of this document in your files. Please open this document and ‘save as’ “Aboriginal Peoples” + your name e.g. “Aboriginal Peoples Mrs. French”.

You will have two to three days to complete this assignment.

I look forward to you sharing your information.

Love, Mrs. French

Monday, April 19, 2010

Riverdeep: A Reflection

Hello Grade Fives!

You have been exploring a new program, Destination Success (Riverdeep), for two weeks. Today, I would like your opinion of the program, supported with both reasons + examples. In a paragraph, please share what you like (+ examples), what you dislike (+ examples), and how effective you think it is as a learning/practice tool.

Thank you for your thoughts.

2) As you know, Matthew is travelling with his family. Please visit and read their blog, Ebert’s Blog.

Love, Mrs. French

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello Grade Fives!

Today, you will not actually be responding to the blog. Instead, you will begin exploring a new program, Destination Success. Next week, I will be asking you for your opinion (reason + example) about the program. Please read carefully so that you know what to do when you begin your exploration.

  1. right click to open this link in a new window
  2. log in using your initials e.g. mine are jf
    1. Mikael & Parker, you need a 1 after your initials (no space)
  3. your password is the same one you use when signing your blog
  4. once you log in, choose "The Coordinate Plane" (click on ‘go’)
  5. view the tutorial now and you will work on the tasks later today
  6. you will do "Symmetry and Transformations" next

You are all working on becoming effective problem solvers, I would encourage you to continue working on this today. I am not here to help you but you have each other if you get in a bind.

I am very interested in your opinion of this program. As you explore it, please think about what you like (+ examples), what you dislike (+ examples), and how effective you think it is as a learning/practice tool.

Now, please explore!

Love, Mrs. French

Friday, March 5, 2010

Term 3 Learning Behaviours

Hello Grade Fives!

Our second term is now over and you have all continued to work hard on developing good learning behaviours: listening carefully to lessons and instructions, completing work carefully and completely, checking your work over for errors, preparing for quizzes, and asking for help as needed. As we begin our third and final term, I would like you to think about which learning behaviours you are going to work on over the next couple of months.

In today’s response, and in a correct paragraph form, please tell me which behaviours you have chosen. Remember, in the support sentences, to explain how you plan to accomplish these goals. I look forward to reading your responses. I will make every effort to help you accomplish the goal(s) you set.

Love, Mrs. French